Friday, January 27, 2012

Making baby food= savings!!!!

Soo after my 3rd child I decided to try making my own baby food and I love it!! It's super easy and so far it's CHEAPER, that word we all love to hear... I'm not sure why every parent doesn't make their own... Here's a example of how cheap it is..

Sweet potato- med size .88 which Filled my baby bullet ice trays (6) spots and 4 jars which I refrigerated for this week..

Jar from Walmart-6oz jar- .72. Which is usually just one feeding or maybe two depending on how much child eats..

So.. Jar is .16 cents cheaper but you get less meals ...

Oh and it's simple even if you don't have baby bullet or another baby maker.. Just peel and boil or steam .. add a little water and blend away.. i do it as I'm making super for rest of family so it's not like I don't have time it literally takes few minutes once boiled and even boiling isn't time consuming ... so question is why aren't we all dong this especially with prices being jacked up so much..

Welp there's my insight on baby food making :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Had some much needed alone time this weekend..

what a busy fun weekend.. I absolutely love weekends, always filled with stuff i actually wanna do instead of things I have to do, lol.. Friday was a pretty laid back evening I decided to try out some new recipes, which turned out great along with a few glasses of wine and some couch time.. I made mini pineapple upside down cakes which are my all time favorite, they turned out fantastic.. I'll have to post the recipe once I relocate it.. It's a must try..

Saturday- Austin had a basketball game and so my hubby was sweet enough to take Austin and Ethan over to fairbury so i didn't have to drag Ella out in the cold.. He's been a great help lately with stuff like this because I hate getting out in this crappy wintery stuff..Then we actually got us a sitter for an evening out at Jim's steak house for a friends appreciation night.. Had a good time with some wine and good food.. I am so lucky to have some great babysitters that will watch the kids for some much needed adult time out.. I think that sometimes we all get wrapped up in being a parent that we never take time out to be with our significant others or just be by ourselves, which i believe everyone needs to do every now and then..

Sunday:  well lets just say I had a slight hang over, hehe.. However i ran to Champaign for some shopping and just "me" time.. I actually missed having Ella there as my shopping partner since she usually is but like i said before it's too cold to drag them out if we don't have to.. I got Ella her outfit and mine for her 6 month pictures on Tuesday.. K design has a place in Champaign now so we are gonna go check that out, they are great photographers :) Basically that sums up my weekend .. Im sure not everyone cares what i do every day but "hey it's something to write about, lol"  If you don't like it don't read it i guess.. I like to hear about everyones day or weekend but thats just me.. I'm always curious how other moms function through the chaos of parenthood...

I'll be posting (hopefully) another blog today or tomorrow about baby food making.. Every parent should do it, its so much easier and cheaper... I'm a little addicted to it i think...

have a good evening.. :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lazy day

Today actually turned out to be an ok day, considering all my plans fell through due to this crappy weather :( was planning on having lunch w/ Shawnee which would of been great considering since I've had Ella I no longer have a social life, but it's all worth it :) soo instead of getting out in this crap me and Ella hung out at home in our Jammie's all day, loved every minute of playing with her:) I think I'm a little obsessed with her:) I've been a little more obsessed and attached to her here more lately being that its finally hit me this is my last baby... Happy :) and sad :(..

Yesterday I actually went to get a dye test done to see if my tubes were closed from the Adiana procedure I had done in October, but of course my doctor gets called to a delivery, just my luck.. I was hoping to get it done with and move on from this reminder that I won't be having anymore babies .. Don't get me wrong it was my decision and I know I Dont want anymore but... It's just a strange feeling, hard to explain... Anyways... I'm beginning to think that's why I want to spend every minute with Ella, I don't wanna miss out on anything she does...

sooo I'm very much looking forward to the weekend... I love weekends.. No school for the boys so I actually get to see them, well if I can pry them away from the video games that is.. This weekend we are actually getting a sitter and going out for dinner and drinks, doesn't happen I'm looking forward to a few glasses of wine:) I'm sure all you moms know how much us mamas need a glass of wine every now and then :)

Well this got to be pretty long and full of nothing but rambling, lol... I'm thinking I need to leave my hole and socialize more....well goodnight.. I'm sure after my weekend I'll be back to ramble on some more...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Getting back into shape :)

Yikes!!! I actually found a little time this morning to write, that doesn't happen much.. Well after a long lazy weekend with very little sleep I decided I need to get my butt in gear and get back into shape... I've put it off for too long now.. Not really by choice I've been kinda busy with my adorable baby girl:). Sooo.. This morning I finally put my treadmill to use.. Only did 15 minutes alternating running fast to slow speed but hey 15 minutes is pretty good I think :) I also decided to skip my usual breakfast which consist on whatever unhealthy snack I can grab quick, for a healthy banana... I'd say my morning is looking pretty good for not sleeping much this whole weekend;) I'm hoping if I keep writing in here I'll stick to getting in shape before spring/summer... Here's to hoping.....

Well my time is up I now have to go get ready for my hair appt.. OH how I luv getting my hair did :))). Everyone have a great day :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Giving blogging a shot

Well I've finally found the time to start a blog. I'm pretty excited for 2012 and beyond, I feel like I'm actually gonna start living life.. I've got married and have had my last child so now it's time to start the life I want... We started 2012 off great by spending it in Florida at Disney :) I was beyond excited... It's truly a great place and will be going back that's for sure... now if only we could skip over this cold and snow I'd be happy.. It seems like this time of year is chaos, ok well more then usual since every day in my house seems like chaos but I thrive on it:) between school and the boys in basketball it seems like running is all we do, and normally im ok with that but not too fond of freezing my butt off in the process... Can u tell how much I dislike winter :)

well now that I started this blogging thing I'm hoping to stick to it between my busy life but for now I better quit and get the kids cleaned up and fed... :) have a wonderful evening